Can You Upgrade A Laptop Motherboard?

Can You Upgrade A Laptop Motherboard

Nowadays, laptops come with upgradable options like upgrading the storage, Wi-Fi card, RAM capacity, and so on. So, the question might arise can you change a laptop motherboard? The answer to that question is mostly negative. Let me explain why.

For the general laptop consumers out there, the answer is definitely NO. Although you can change your motherboard, you cannot upgrade it.

What I mean by that is, if for some reason, your laptop motherboard is damaged, you can look for the same laptop model’s motherboard online. And most likely you will find the motherboard from the manufacturer or from some used laptop. 

Yet, we have good news for you. Some small companies out there are making completely modular laptops that are upgradeable.

Let us discuss why the general laptop motherboard is not upgradeable.

Laptop Motherboards Standards

The main reason for the motherboards to be not upgradable is that they do not follow any standards. A company making laptops for different segments does not even follow the same style same design let alone other manufacturers. 

Basically, laptop manufacturers design laptops to utilize the maximum space for the system and they make the motherboard accordingly. So, when designing every model whether it’s a business class or a gaming laptop, they try to make the motherboard according to the design.

For this reason, motherboard even from the last generation is not replaceable with the next generation laptop motherboard.

So the key reasons for non-upgradable motherboards are-

  • The laptop motherboard has no uniform standard
  • Demand for laptop motherboard is not high
  • Availability of laptop motherboard is a big issue
  • Main components like CPU and GPU are soldered permanently


Along with the other reasons, there is a big reason and this is no other than availability. This reason is the product of some other issues.

But it’s true that there are so many laptop models out there and they are not as uniform as a desktop hardwire-wise. You cannot just buy a compatible motherboard and place it into your laptop frame.

So, manufacturers cannot make motherboards for every model as they have to be made differently.

Demand of users

I think we all know that the most productive and workload-capable machine is still a desktop. In terms of performance, one will always choose the desktop. 

On the other hand, the laptop is a portable computer that can do work but with limited speed. And those who buy a laptop know that it’s a portable medium-performance machine.

So upgrading a laptop is not their primary concern over the years. Hence, the demand for laptop upgradability is very low. The upgradable parts like storage and RAM are good enough for most of the users.

Laptop Motherboards And Other Components

Another reason for a motherboard being non-upgradable is that many key components of the motherboard are permanently soldered to the motherboard. 

Unlike RAM and storage, CPU and GPU are directly and permanently soldered. So, you cannot use them on the new motherboard. Thus, upgrading the motherboard basically means replacing the whole laptop.

Upgradable Laptops

When all the big companies out there make non-upgradable laptops, some companies such as Framework are making totally modular laptops.

In this laptop, even the motherboard can be replaced and they come with upgradable options like better CPU and connectivity. So, if you are looking for an upgradeable laptop, these brands are the best options.


Can you put a new motherboard on an old laptop?

Yes, you can put a new motherboard if it’s from the same laptop model. Otherwise, you cannot put a new motherboard on an old laptop.

Can you fit any motherboard in a laptop?

No, you cannot. Laptop motherboards are not uniform, so most of the laptop’s motherboards won’t even fit in other laptops’ frames.

Is it worth repairing the motherboard on a laptop?

Yes, a laptop’s motherboard is the main and most valuable part of the laptop. It’s always worth it for minor issues.


It is more reasonable to buy a newer laptop model with the latest gen processor and PCIe connectivity so that you don’t feel the need to upgrade in one or two years.

Or you can just buy laptops from companies like Framework which will provide upgradable parts and you can upgrade according to your needs.

Hope I have answered your questions on “can you upgrade a laptop motherboard?”

Good luck!


I have had a laptop shop in California since 2011. I love to share my info with you guys.

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