How Often To Buy A New Laptop

How Often To Buy A New Laptop

Each and every year, a large number of laptops are released on the market. These laptops outperform the previous models by some margin. This might cause one to wonder, how often to buy a new laptop.

Well, you do not have to buy a laptop whenever a new model is released. Rather you have to check a number of things before you decide to splash your money on another laptop.

There are some definite signs which indicate that it’s time to buy a new laptop. Let us help you decide whether you need to buy a new laptop or not.

How Often To Buy A New Laptop

Replacing your laptop with a new one mainly depends on factors such as the condition of your laptop, the ability to run the latest software, battery life, and many more. Let us explain the things you should check before buying a new laptop.

Things To Consider Before Purchasing A New Laptop

Battery Life

When you buy a new laptop, you get an average of 4-6 hours of battery life depending on the model. However, with passing time, the lifespan grows shorter.

If the battery life of your old laptop has decreased considerably, you have two options. The first one is replacing the battery.

If your laptop does not have any other problems, you can get by with it. It’s cheaper than buying a new laptop. However, if there are other problems besides it, you are better off buying a new laptop.


After some years, some keys may not register after pressing. You can change only the keyboard. However, there may be cases where your PCB is damaged. In these cases, you should get a new laptop.

Screen Issues

The condition of your laptop screen can indicate whether you have to buy a new laptop. If there is a light bleeding issue, dead pixels, or continuous flickering, it is high time to get a new laptop.

Software Compatibility

After some years of usage, your laptop may be incompatible with the latest version of software. Hence, you might consider getting a new laptop with superior hardware to solve this issue.

Upgrading Hardware

Laptops generally come with CPU and GPU built into their motherboard. This implies that separate upgrades are impossible. When your laptop seems to fail to run the latest games and software, it is better to buy a new one.

Blue Screen Error

Your old laptop may show a blue screen while using it. It implies that your operating system may be problematic. Frequent blue screen error is another indication that you will need a new laptop.

Thermal Throttle

Your old laptop may get way too hot while using. That means your cooling system is not functioning the way it should. Thermal throttling can cause a significant dip in performance. If your laptop gets hot too quickly, it is better to get a new one.

Design and Aesthetics

With time, people’s design preferences change. The most fashionable laptop of 5 years ago may seem outdated right now. If your laptop is way too bulky or too plain looking compared to recent models, you should get a new laptop.

Performance Drop

After years of usage, laptops seem to lag or slow down. It is pretty evident in the case of all laptops. At first, they seem to run fine but down the line, their performance drops. You need to get a new laptop when you face such problems.


We hope that we were able to describe the key things you need to consider. Now, you should have a clear idea about how often to buy a new laptop. 

Take good care of your laptop and it will last longer. In the end, buying a new laptop depends on your demands and preferences.

Consider the above-mentioned things. And after that, you can easily decide whether you should buy a new laptop or not.


I have had a laptop shop in California since 2011. I love to share my info with you guys.

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