How To Charge Laptop With TV?

How To Charge Laptop With TV

We use a laptop over a desktop as it is easy to carry and has a battery for backup power. But, sometimes an accident can happen. The battery can be drained and the charger may not work properly in a desperate situation.

In this situation, you may wonder how to charge laptop with tv. Do not worry. Let us walk you through the process of charging your laptop without the charger but with a smart tv.

But first of all, there are some minimum requirements you have to fulfill.


For charging a laptop with tv, your laptop has to support an HDMI cable. But nowadays, the laptop is getting thinner and thinner. And, the ports are getting smaller and lesser. So, there is a good chance that your laptop does not have an HDMI port.

Take a breath, there is nothing to be worried about. You just need an HDMI converter cable and a converter to set up with your laptop. Check for any available port in your laptop that can be connected to the converter cable port.

If you do not have any of such ports, then it is your bad luck. You can not charge your laptop with a tv without an HDMI port or converter.

Setting up the connections:

Let’s move forward to our next step. Connect one side of the HDMI cable to the laptop port. If there is no HDMI port, then connect the HDMI cable with the converter. After that, connect the converter cable to the laptop.

Now, you have to connect your HDMI cable with your tv. You have to have a tv which supports HDMI cable. Almost all the smart tv support HDMI cable. So, it will not be very hard to do.

Check the connection properly. And, do not forget to check your cables at first. A bad cable can waste a lot of time and give you a headache to find out the reason behind the malfunction if there is one.

Finalizing and Checking:

After you connect your cable to your tv and your laptop, it is time to check whether it is charging or not. If the charging sign is not on, then you have to check the connections again. Remove all cables from the port. After that, reconnect the cables again as described before.

Now, your laptop should be charging. But it may take a few tries if you work with the converter. And, you should also check whether your tv is working or not.

You should not remove the cables before your laptop is fully charged. The charging time with the HDMI cable will be longer than usual. But, it should work just fine in a desperate situation.


There may be some very common questions regarding this procedure. Let us help with that.

Can I charge my laptop with a tv without an HDMI port?

Yes, you can if you have a converter and HDMI cables in possession. These are not so costly and easy to find in the market or in e-commerce sites.

Can I replace my charger with an HDMI cable and tv?

You will be able to charge your laptop with your tv. But, it should not be your permanent solution. Please buy a new charger when you can.


We hope now you know how to charge laptop with tv. There may be an emergency like you do not have the time to go to the shop to buy a new charger, and the charger you have is not working. But, your laptop has a dead battery and you need to use your laptop

In a desperate situation like this, you can now use your tv to charge your laptop and use it. But this solution should be temporary. Do not make it a habit to charge your laptop with a tv.


I have had a laptop shop in California since 2011. I love to share my info with you guys.

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