What Is A Good Weight For A Laptop?

What Is A Good Weight For A Laptop

Most people do not consider the weight of a laptop when purchasing one. People are so focused on the laptop’s design and specifications that they overlook the most important aspect of a laptop, its weight.

Laptops are designed as an alternative to computers with portability features, allowing you to bring a laptop to work without any hesitation. That is why, when considering buying a laptop, the weight of the laptop must be taken into account. Otherwise, the heavy laptop will make you feel like you’re carrying a rock in your backpack.

For your convenience, today’s article is about what is a good weight for a laptop.

In terms of portability, a laptop weighing 1.3 kilograms to 2.2 kilograms (1.3kg to 2.2kg) or 3 pounds to 5 pounds (3lb – 5lb) is considered a good weight for a laptop. 

However, this is a personalized question. As a result, the ideal response will differ from person to person. We will figure out more in this article. So continue reading.

What is a good weight for a laptop?

Electronic components are becoming more powerful while being even lighter. Thanks to recent advancements in technology. 

Laptop makers are always looking for ways to reduce the weight of their machines. Thus the majority of the entry/intermediate level laptops available in the market these days weigh less than 2.5 kilograms.

The ideal weight for your laptop is your personal preference. In general, a laptop weighing 1.3 kilograms to 2.2 kilograms (1.3kg to 2.2kg) or 3 pounds – 5 pounds (3lb – 5lb) is ideal, because it can be easily carried in the workplace.

So in terms of portability, a laptop weighing 1.3 to 2.2 kilograms or 3 to 5 pounds is considered a good weight.

Laptop types by display size & weight

A laptop’s weight is related to its display size. Laptop’s display size & weight change from model to model. In general, Laptops can be classed into three groups based on their size & weight.

  • Small (display size less than 14 inches and weighs around 0.9 kg to 2 kg)
  • Medium(display size less than 16 inches & weighs between 2 kg to 3 kg)
  • Large (display size around 17 inches or more & weighs around 3 kg or more)

Small size laptops- weighing around 2 kg or less

Small laptops have screens that are less than 14 inches in size. They range in weight from 0.9kg to 2kg. These are entry-level laptops.

If you are the person who needs to travel with your laptop to your workplace or somewhere else, this type of laptop is ideal. They take up less space in your backpack and allow you to move around with your laptop by hand.

Medium size Laptop – weighing 3 kg or less

Medium laptops weigh between 2kg and 3kg. They have screens that are about 15 or 16 inches in size. They are well equipped in the same way as small laptops, but they may include some extra features such as a DVD ROM or an extra storage device, or a larger battery capacity.

These are intermediate-level laptops and These types of laptop consume more or less power. As a result, they have larger batteries and weigh more than small laptops.

Because of this, this type of laptop is mostly used as a stationary laptop & it is ideal for working in an office or at home.

Large size laptop – weighing around 3kg or more

Large laptops have a display size of about 17 inches or more and weigh more than 3 kilograms to 8 kilograms. These are heavy-duty laptop computers. A gaming laptop is one such example.

Although display sizes may vary, they usually weigh around 4 to 6 kg due to the high-capacity battery with other essential components. If you are a gamer or require such a powerful laptop, you can purchase one of these.

However, they are not suitable for carrying around with you.


This article has given you an idea about what is a good weight for a laptop. We recommend a laptop with a screen smaller than 15 inches that weigh less than 2.2 kilograms or 5 pounds is good for most people. Other laptops can’t compete with their combination of mobility and performance for everyday use.

The use of computers in our daily lives has increased dramatically in recent years. Everyone relies on computers to some extent, whether for personal use, professional purposes, or both. As a result, having a laptop is more convenient than a desktop these days.

We’ve talked about how much of a laptop’s weight is ideal in this article. We hope you have been properly informed.

This will be all for today. See you in another query.


I have had a laptop shop in California since 2011. I love to share my info with you guys.

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