Why Do Gaming Laptops Look So Bad

A gaming laptop is the one-way solution for you that provides a wonderful gaming experience, and a smooth video editing journey. Most importantly, it doesn’t lacks anything present in a high-configuration laptop.

But, with the expenses, why is a gaming laptop isn’t pleasing to the eyes? I think this question often ran through your mind. The answer is yes. Despite demanding a high range in price, a gaming laptop isn’t that aesthetic. The reasons can be a discussion. 

Let’s have a deep insight!

Gaming Laptops: Why it looks bad?

Gaming laptops solve your problem of having a portable tool that can do anything. It is made to accomplish intensive graphic tasks like gaming, video editing, rendering, etc.

The hardware components used in a gaming laptop are different in comparison to a normal laptop. That’s why a gaming laptop is more expensive than a normal laptop.

Complex Design

A gaming laptop is very heavy to carry. It looks bulky and normally has a complex design. The reason for being bulky is not its fault. A gaming laptop has to have high-configuration GPU and storage. These GPUs demand more space in design and thus become a bulky thing.

High-end configuration

Again, with the high-end configuration GPU, the laptop needs a good cooling system too. In a normal laptop, the cooling system is quite minimal. But the workload of a gaming laptop demands extra fans to run smoothly.

Heavy Hardware Parts

The powerful hardware, processors, and graphic cards produce a lot of heat. This heat may harm the longevity of a laptop. To solve this problem, designers and manufacturers use heat-resistant materials to have a sustainable cooling system. These heat proof materials don’t look that much pleasing compared to regular laptops.

Bulky Design

A gaming laptop generally doesn’t have a slim-fit body. It is because the battery size and components in the motherboard often don’t allow him to be slim. Minimalistic design can’t be seen in a gaming laptop.

Inconvenient Design  

We usually are accustomed to seeing rectangular-shaped laptops. But gaming laptops don’t have that conventional rectangular design. Though it depends on the designer, again components used in these laptops are a big reason for this kind of design.

Bulky Bezel

The big bezel is also a reason the gaming laptops look ugly. We all know a gamer always wants a better visual experience while playing a game. The refresh rate and color accuracy of a gaming laptop is much higher than a regular laptop. To provide a better display the bezel becomes thicker, as a result, it doesn’t look stylish enough.

A gaming laptop has some additional features such as LED backlights and programmable keyboards. It may also come with dedicated gaming keys. These extra keys and the lights don’t allow a gaming laptop to have the simplified approach of a regular laptop.


The target audience of a gaming laptop is very precise. It targets mostly the gaming community and the community that works with graphic designing and rendering.

Research has shown that the gaming community likes the aggressive and sharp edgy designs of laptops. The gaming market is also fond of vibrant colors and the usage of RGB lighting in their laptops. 

In conclusion, we can say that gaming laptops prioritize performance over aesthetics. You may not like a gaming laptop at first glance, but you will surely fall in love with it’s performance.


I have had a laptop shop in California since 2011. I love to share my info with you guys.

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