Why Does My Laptop Fan Keep Running?

Any computer/laptop fan cools down the CPU and helps it work smoothly. Your laptop fan keeps running due to extreme heat that is caused by high RAM usage, not enough ventilation, malware infection, memory issues, processing issues, battery issues, and many more.

You obviously want your laptop to work smoothly. So, if you suspect any of these reasons, you must take measures.

Reasons why your laptop fans keep running: 

1.  Your computer’s chute is suffocated:

In most cases, due to dust or dirt, the air shaft of your computer is clogged or damaged. This is actually a common issue, which causes your fan to run more than usual. Also, if you use your computer on soft surfaces such as a pillow or bed, that may block the air vent of your computer.

2.  Your computer is affected by Malware:

If your computer or laptop has any kind of malware (Spyware, viruses), then your fan will run at speed to cool the effect.

3.  You may have an outdated BIOS:

BIOS refers to “Basic Input/Output System”. This element handles the data processing between the system that operates and the computer’s output device. If this is outdated, then it can raise a problem in the running system of your laptop fans.

4.  You are overworking your laptop:

If you use a laptop with too many background apps or programs or play any game that uses VR technology or heavy animation, that can cause your laptop fans to work harder than usual.

5.  Using a superfast memory and high-end graphics card:

If you install a high-end graphics card and superfast memory, that extends the heat and your laptop fans move faster.

6.  If there are corrupt processes in the laptop:

In a lot of cases, if your laptop is overburdened with the processor, CPU fans make a loud noise. As HP states, an unnecessary process consumes 1% to 100% of the CPU.

7.  Damaged Hardware:

If you somehow drop or damage the hardware of your laptop or computer, it may cause the fan to be extra loud.

8.  Software Update:

If the software of your computer has a bug that causes it to overheat, then the fan will move faster.

9.  Having a faulty battery and faulty fan:

If you have an off-brand battery, that might overheat the laptop and for that reason, fans keep moving faster.

10. Inconvenient Temperature: 

If your room’s temperature is too warm, then the fans will try to cool down the computer by running faster. Your laptop should not surpass (158° F) or else it can cause internal damage.

What can you do to keep your laptop fans at ease: 

1.   You have to use your computer on a flat surface like a table or desk so that there can be room to breathe for the vent.

2. You need to keep the vent areas clear from dust and dirt for the full function of your computer. You can use compressed air by directing it toward your computer’s vent and spraying the air to get rid of the dust.

3.   If you suspect a malware issue, then you need to use antivirus apps to function your computer properly.

4.   You need to check your computer’s BIOS and update it to its needs. For this, you must install the BIOS, install a chipset driver, a video card driver, and a thermal chipset driver.

5.   If you suspect memory issues, then you must install a memory fan.

6.   If you suspect the graphic card heating, then you need to add a graphic card fan.

7.   You need to identify unnecessary processes in your computer (for window users press Ctrl+ Shift+ ESC and for MAC users press Ctrl+ Space) these programs will show the most used programs for your CPU resources and storage and clean accordingly.

8.   You need to use high-performance cooling solutions and extra fans to keep up with your overstretching workload on your computer.

9.   You must use the exact battery, not an off-brand battery, and use the latest software for your computer.

10. Never bring your computer anywhere that is hotter than 95°F(35°c)


If your computer suddenly sounds too much, then you must act promptly to find out the reason. And if you figure out the reason that causing the laptop fans to run will help to improve the performance of your computer by taking out the exact measures.


I have had a laptop shop in California since 2011. I love to share my info with you guys.

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