Why Is My Laptop Fan So Loud All Of A Sudden

Why Is My Laptop Fan So Loud All Of A Sudden

If you are a laptop user, you might notice that your laptop fan is loud sometimes. You might be wondering what has happened all of a sudden.

Why is your laptop fan so loud all of a sudden? There are many reasons behind the sudden change in fan speed a. Let me explain the most obvious reasons for which this may happen.

There are two components that can make noise on your laptop. One is the cooling fans and the other is the hard disc.

Let’s explore the ultimate solution!

Why is your laptop fan so loud all of a sudden

The cooling fans run to cool the processor, the motherboard, and the overall system. So if your system becomes hot for some reason the fans will make noise and it might be loud for obvious reasons.

And the hard disc is made of many moving parts which makes noise during high load. 

Main reasons for loud fan noise:

  • Dust and dirty fan
  • Ventilation problem
  • Background software updates and processes
  • Software bug
  • Malware attack
  • Outdated driver

Dust and dirty fan

To run a laptop properly, the processor and the system need to be cooled down. But if the system is not at optimum temperature, fan speed rises to cool the system.

But the system can overheat and might not be cooled when dust and dirt block the airflow of the system. So the fan runs at full speed and makes a very loud sound.

Ventilation problem

Another reason by which the laptop might get hot is that ventilation is not adequate. The laptop must be placed on such a surface where ventilation condition is good. 

Background software updates and processes

Sometimes you might not even be working but might see a lot of CPU usage and fast fan speed. A common scenario is the operating system updates automatically in the background.

After the update is complete, the fan speed will reduce automatically. Also, some background tasks for system improvement might take place like hard disc defragmentation. It is intense work that often occurs for performance improvement.

Software bug

These days every laptop provider includes their own software to tune the laptop’s performance. If the tuning software has some bugs, this might result in high fan speed and very loud noise. 

Malware attack

Another possible reason is that your system might be under some malware attack. The malware might be using your laptop resources such as the processor and the graphics card. Under such a scenario, CPU usage goes high and the fan runs at full speed to spread the heat.

Outdated driver

If you are using your laptop for a long time without updating the drivers this problem can arise. The driver controls and connects hardware to the system, so any outdated driver is not the best for a system. Cpu usage and fan speed controlling drivers need to be updated to avoid any driver-related problems.

Some fixes for solving these issues

  • Keep your laptop motherboard and fan clean
  • Place the laptop where ventilation conditions are good
  • Search for software bugs and if you find any, install a bug-free version
  • Use antivirus to prevent a malware attack
  • Update your drivers regularly for the best performance


Why is my new laptop fan so loud all of a sudden?

For a new laptop, it is very common because it might be getting the latest updates. Thus, a high CPU usage and high fan speed.

How do I stop my laptop fan from being so loud?

You can follow some fixes mentioned above to get rid of this problem.

How do I stop my laptop fan from being so loud?

No, you might want to see what is causing this, you can go to the task manager to monitor what application is using your resources. If you find anything unnecessary then eliminate the task.


Loud fan noise fan can occur for many reasons. Not all of them is an alarming thing. Rather, most of them can be solved easily by following the steps mentioned above. But this problem should not be left as it is. This should be handled carefully.

There you go, now you know why your laptop fan can be so loud all of a sudden. You have a piece of complete knowledge to solve this problem.

Good luck!


I have had a laptop shop in California since 2011. I love to share my info with you guys.

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